Johannes Hörner

Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, Universtity of Vienna.


I am a PhD student and pre-doc university assistant in the Climate Dynamics and Modeling group of Aiko Voigt at the University of Vienna. In my research I use climate models to investigate the climate dynamics of a Snowball Earth: a seperate state of the climate system in which the world is completely or almost completely covered in ice.

I am also interested in interactive media, programming and storytelling.


Feb 11, 2025 preprint published, under review for JGR-A: Making sense of bifurcation diagrams: a new framework to understand the role of clouds and bare sea ice for waterbelt states
May 3, 2024 talk at the Graz-Vienna Exoplanet Scientist Meeting IV
Apr 15, 2024 meet me at my poster at the EGU General Assembly
Mar 15, 2024 paper published: Sea-ice thermodynamics can determine waterbelt scenarios for Snowball Earth
Oct 4, 2023 preprint open for public discussion for ESD: Sea-ice thermodynamics can determine waterbelt scenarios for Snowball Earth


  1. Sea-ice thermodynamics can determine waterbelt scenarios for Snowball Earth
    Johannes Hörner, and Aiko Voigt
    Earth System Dynamics, 2024
  2. How does cloud-radiative heating over the North Atlantic change with grid spacing, convective parameterization, and microphysics scheme in ICON version 2.1.00?
    Sylvia Sullivan, Behrooz Keshtgar, Nicole Albern, Elzina Bala, Christoph Braun, Anubhav Choudhary, Johannes Hörner, Hilke Lentink, Georgios Papavasileiou, and Aiko Voigt
    Geoscientific Model Development, 2023
  3. Ice-free tropical waterbelt for Snowball Earth events questioned by uncertain clouds
    Christoph Braun, Johannes Hörner, Aiko Voigt, and Joaquim G. Pinto
    Nature Geoscience, 2022
  4. Snowball Earth initiation and the thermodynamics of sea ice
    Johannes Hörner, Aiko Voigt, and Christoph Braun
    Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2022
  5. An idealized model sensitivity study on Dead Sea desertification with a focus on the impact on convection
    Samiro Khodayar, and Johannes Hoerner
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020